Off to Doxology

I am off to the second part of my Doxology “Advanced Training in Pastoral Care.” This is, in my opinion, one of the best things going on in the Missouri Synod.  Enough saving organizations.  I want to learn how to be a better pastor and theologian.  God bless.  I’ll post if I’m able. -LL

The Pastor and The Snow

If you were to peek your head into a pastor’s conference, one of the things you would find a common topic of conversation is all of the “non-pastoral” work that pastors end up doing.  Things like shoveling the walk, mowing the grass, lights, fundraising, organizational administration, even (gasp!) working on the church computers.  Pastors, being […]

The Pastor and the Boards

The Holy Ministry has changed over the last hundred years. No, not the Word and Sacrament part, but just about everything else: hymnals in the pews, language, electronic organs, bulletins, cars, telephones, computers, sound systems, boards and meetings. Boards? Meetings?

The pastor and the congregation

It is very good, from time to time, to reflect as a Church about the nature of who we are in Christ, and of where and how God works in our midst, giving us the forgiveness of sins, life and salvation. For Lutherans, we are very familiar and comfortable with phrases like “Word and Sacrament,” […]