Fight the Good Fight…with Gentleness (Sermon for St. Timothy)

Kramer Chapel Concordia Theological Seminary Feast Day of St. Timothy (2025-01-24) 1 Timothy 6:11-16 Dr. Todd A. Peperkorn  TITLE: “Fight…with Gentleness” Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Our text today is from 1 Timothy chapter 6:1-12.  One of the most enjoyable things, at least for me, […]

Twenty-Five Years

Today is the twenty-fifth anniversary of my ordination into the Office of the Holy Ministry. This trip began as odd as one would expect. My colleague, Scott Stiegemeyer, and I were serving as admission counselors at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne. It was just a few short months since Dean Wenthe was elected president. […]

6 Survival Tips for Pastors with Depression

I’m not sure if it is because it is mental health awareness month, or if we are all just feeling the end of the school year pressure, but there are a lot of pastors out there right now who are really struggling with depression and other mental illnesses. Thirteen years ago I was diagnosed with […]

The Word Remains, a Hopeful Book by an Old Lutheran

A review essay by Todd A. Peperkorn The Word Remains: Selected Writings on the Church Year and the Christian Life is a collection of sermons and writings by the renowned mission pastor and nineteenth century theologian, Wilhelm Löhe (1808-1872). I first ran into this book while visiting Neuendettelsau in 2009. We were staying with friends […]