The Lutheran Study Bible (TLSB) Pre-Review

I’ve always been a Bible junkie. If you were to look at my bookshelves, you would find about twenty five different versions of the Bible, study bibles, kids bibles, pew bibles, in English, Greek, Hebrew, Spanish, Latin, German, and probably a few others. I think I have a Polish Bible around here somewhere. A part […]

A Shepherd in Sheep’s Clothing (Misericordias Domini Sunday)

Todd A. Peperkorn, STM Messiah Lutheran Church Kenosha, Wisconsin Easter 2 – Misericordias Domini (April 26, 2009 (2004, 2007)) John 10:11-16 For an audio MP3 of this sermon, CLICK HERE TITLE: “A Shepherd in Sheep’s Clothing” Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Our text for this […]

Forgiveness (Quasimodo Geniti, Easter 1/2)

Todd A. Peperkorn, STM Messiah Lutheran Church Kenosha, Wisconsin Quasi-modo Geniti (Easter 1 – April 19, 2009) John 20:19-31 For an audio MP3 of this sermon, CLICK HERE TITLE: “Forgiveness” Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Our text for this Sunday is the Gospel of John […]

“Gazing Upon Him Whom They Pierced” Good Friday

Todd A. Peperkorn, STM Messiah Lutheran Church Kenosha, Wisconsin Good Friday (April 10, 2009) TITLE: “Gazing Upon Him Whom They Pierced” In the name of the Father and of the † Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Our text is from the Passion of our Lord from St. John, we focus on the quotation […]

Why Commune Younger than Eighth Grade?

Why Commune Younger than Eighth Grade? From the Messiah Messenger, April 2009 By Pastor Todd A. Peperkorn Our congregation is in the process of separating first communion from confirmation, so that while they may be done at the same time, they are not necessarily going to be done at the same time. This move is […]