Rich Towards God (Thanksgiving Eve 2008)

Todd A. Peperkorn, STM Messiah Lutheran Church Kenosha, Wisconsin Thanksgiving Eve (November 27, 2008) Luke 12:15-21 For an audio MP3 of this sermon, CLICK HERE TITLE: “Rich Towards God” Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Our text for this Thanksgiving is from Luke 12 as we […]

A Lament for the Lectionary

I love the historic lectionary. The rhythm of the readings, the Psalms and Introits, the use of traditional hymnody that speaks references it directly, it flows in a way that is beautiful, reverent and stirring. It stirs up the faith, just as the historic collects remind us as we prepare for Adventtide. That is why […]

Off to Doxology

I am off to the second part of my Doxology “Advanced Training in Pastoral Care.” This is, in my opinion, one of the best things going on in the Missouri Synod.  Enough saving organizations.  I want to learn how to be a better pastor and theologian.  God bless.  I’ll post if I’m able. -LL

What to look for in a church

Article below by Philip Yancey points to several things that are worth our consideration. He lists three things to look for in a church: 1. Diversity 2. Unity. 3. Mission He has some good points that are worth considering. I think I would retool them in the following way: 1. Catholicity 2. Theological Unity 3. […]

The Surprise (Trinity 26)

Rev. Todd A. Peperkorn Messiah Lutheran Church Kenosha, Wisconsin 2nd Last Sunday of the Church Year/Trinity 26 November 16, 2008 Matthew 25:31-46 For an audio MP3 of this sermon, CLICK HERE TITLE: “The Surprise” Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Our text for today is the […]