A Lament for the Lectionary

I love the historic lectionary. The rhythm of the readings, the Psalms and Introits, the use of traditional hymnody that speaks references it directly, it flows in a way that is beautiful, reverent and stirring. It stirs up the faith, just as the historic collects remind us as we prepare for Adventtide. That is why […]

Lectionary Survey

Below you will find a link to a survey that Concordia Publishing House is conducting regarding the lectionary. I would urge every Lutheran pastor and congregation to fill this out. CPH does a lot of wonderful things for Lutheran congregations, and I would dearly love to see them provide more resources for the one year […]

To Live with Christ, by Bo Giertz

This “little” (829 pages) book is fantastic! It is a daily devotion book based on the historic lectionary by one of the great lights of confessional Lutheranism in the 20th century, Bishop Bo Giertz. He is best known in our circles for his book, The Hammer of God, but he’s written many wonderful works, including […]