Worthy (Pentecost 2c, Proper 4, June 2, 2013)

Pentecost 2, Proper 4, 2013 (June 2, 2013) Holy Cross Lutheran Church Rev. Todd A. Peperkorn Luke 7:1–10 Confirmation Sunday TITLE: “Worthy” Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. Our text for today is the Gospel just read from St. Luke chapter seven. We focus on the […]

Renata's First Communion

Yesterday was a wonderful day at Messiah Lutheran Church here in Kenosha! We had five of our young members, grades 2-5, who received First Communion. Here’s a couple pictures: I’ll try and write about it more, but it was a great day and worth much rejoicing! -LL

On Pastoral Examinations of First Communion Candidates

This past month has really convinced me of the benefit of pastoral examinations of catechumens. I’ve always avoided it in a formal setting, because I don’t want to contribute to the “pass the test and graduate” mindset. However, exercising pastoral care by teaching children to confess the faith is a great and mighty gift, and […]

Why Commune Younger than Eighth Grade?

Why Commune Younger than Eighth Grade? From the Messiah Messenger, April 2009 By Pastor Todd A. Peperkorn Our congregation is in the process of separating first communion from confirmation, so that while they may be done at the same time, they are not necessarily going to be done at the same time. This move is […]

Bible Study on Confirmation and First Communion

You will find attached here a PDF file with the bible study I am using currently for teaching about confirmation and first communion in my congregation. I would welcome any of your thoughts on the subject, as this is an important one for the Lutheran Church. Confirmation and First Communion in the Lutheran Church