Heavenly Citizenship (Pentecost 18A, 2011)

Todd A. Peperkorn, STM Holy Cross Lutheran Church Rocklin, California Pentecost 18, Proper 23A (October 16, 2011) Matthew 22:15–21 TITLE: “Heavenly Citizenship” Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Our text for today is the Gospel lesson just read from Matthew 22, with focus on the words, […]

Mercy (Trinity 03, 2011)

Messiah Lutheran Church Kenosha, Wisconsin Trinity 3 (July 10, 2011) Luke 15:1-10 trinity03-2011 Rev. Todd Peperkorn TITLE: “Mercy” Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord, Jesus Christ.  Our text for this morning is the Gospel just read from St. Luke chapter 15, the parables of mercy and repentance. I really […]

Exaudi 2011

2011 Exaudi Exaudi 2011 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord, Jesus Christ. Our text for this morning is taken from the Gospel just read, as well as the epistle text from 1 Peter. Peter in his epistle gives us the right perspective when it comes to the times we […]

One of the Flock (Misericordias Domini, 2011)

“One of the Flock” 2011easter03-misericordias This is one of the most beautiful images in all the Bible.  Jesus, the Good Shepherd.  How many hymns to we have which confess this faith?  I am  Jesus’ Little Lamb.  Have no Fear, Little Flock.  Shepherd of Tender Youth.  And that isn’t even counting all of our Psalm 23 […]