Compassion (Trinity 16, 2012)

Trinity 16 September 23, 2012 Rev. Todd A. Peperkorn Holy Cross Lutheran Church Rocklin, California The Widow of Nain’s Son (Luke 7) Grace to you and peace from God our Father and The Lord, Jesus Christ. Our text for today is the Gospel just read from St. Luke chapter seven. Her only-begotten Son. Dead. Her […]

The Good Samaritan (Trinity 13, 2012)

Todd A. Peperkorn, STM Holy Cross Lutheran Church Trinity 13 (September 2, 2012) Luke 10:23-37 – The Good Samaritan TITLE: “The Good Samaritan” Grace to you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus. Amen. Our text for this morning is from Luke 10, with focus on the words, Blessed are the […]

Doing Well (Trinity 12, 2012)

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. Our text for this morning is the Gospel just read from St. Mark chapter 7. We focus on the words of the text, “He has done all things well.” Every parent knows that the path to teaching their children obedience […]

Things I’ve Learned (after one year)

Yesterday was the first anniversary of my installation at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Rocklin, California. We have now lived in sunny CA for a little over a year. To that end, here are a few things I’ve learned along the way: Things I’ve Learned About California After One Year It’s a dry heat. I […]

The Mercy of God (Trinity 11, 2012)

Todd A. Peperkorn, STM Holy Cross Lutheran Church Rocklin, CA Trinity 11 (August 19, 2012) Luke 18:9-14 The Pharisee and the Publican TITLE: “The Mercy of God” Grace to you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen.  Our text for this morning is from the Gospel lesson just read, […]