[This is my letter of referral for the DOXOLOGY program of Advanced Training in Pastoral Care. I would encourage all of you to learn more about the amazing work that this organization is doing. -P] September 23, 2009 To Whom It May Concern: “It is as if an angel was sitting and talking to us […]

On Pastoral Examinations of First Communion Candidates

This past month has really convinced me of the benefit of pastoral examinations of catechumens. I’ve always avoided it in a formal setting, because I don’t want to contribute to the “pass the test and graduate” mindset. However, exercising pastoral care by teaching children to confess the faith is a great and mighty gift, and […]

DOXOLOGY Notes: Intersection of Psychotherapy and Pastoral Care

Randy Asburry did another dynamite post on Doxology. I’ve excerpted the beginning of it hear. Go. Read. Learn. Be fed. P DOXOLOGY Notes: Intersection of Psychotherapy and Pastoral Care: “In my last post I praised the recent DOXOLOGY retreat which I was privileged to attend. Beginning with this post, God willing, I want to give […]

From RAsburry's Res: Pastors, Get Thee to…

Randy Asburry has a nice post about the most recent Doxology study group, which completed in Illinois. His words echo my own, which I have blogged about previously. Please read and check it out: RAsburry’s Res: Pastors, Get Thee to…