The Word Remains, a Hopeful Book by an Old Lutheran

A review essay by Todd A. Peperkorn The Word Remains: Selected Writings on the Church Year and the Christian Life is a collection of sermons and writings by the renowned mission pastor and nineteenth century theologian, Wilhelm Löhe (1808-1872). I first ran into this book while visiting Neuendettelsau in 2009. We were staying with friends […]

Five Years a California Pastor

Five years ago today I was installed as pastor at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Rocklin, California. As with many things, it seems like it was both yesterday and a thousand years ago. But here are a few of my thoughts that have bubbled up along the way. It takes about five years to get […]

In Praise of Pastors’ Wives

Last week I served in the chapel service for Higher Things in Fort Collins, Colorado, and watched all of the other pastors assist with Holy Communion. At this Higher Things event there were somewhere in the neighborhood of a hundred pastors present. It is one of the more unusual blessings, that HT has so many […]

Things Change

I get up and watch my children get ready for school. Sometimes I help, but mostly it is my wife that does the heavy lifting in the mornings. The house is silent. The children are at school and I am still in my bathrobe, drinking coffee, listening to Bach, and contemplating the fact that I […]

The Crux of the Matter

I am very pleased to announce the release of a new project that my good buddy, Scott Stiegemeyer, and I are producing: This is a weekly podcast that is by pastors and for pastors. Obviously anyone can listen in, but our intention is to discuss matters of theology and pastoral care that are geared toward […]