Pres. Dean Wenthe & CTS on Recent Events in the ELCA
This is a video from my alma mater and delivered by its president, Dr. Dean Wenthe:
This is a video from my alma mater and delivered by its president, Dr. Dean Wenthe:
Here it comes! Twenty more volumes of Luther. I hope that they will be available on Libronix/Logos as they come out. Maybe a subscription series? New Luther Translations! | Cyberbrethren
What is the history of the liturgical movement in the Missouri Synod? If you were to come up with names, some of them would include Fredrich Lochner, Arthur Carl Piepkorn, Valparaiso, Fort Wayne, Arthur Just, Walter Buszin, the St. James Society, Ron Feuerhahn, and others. No matter how you compiled your list, one name would […]
I am looking for an (electronic) copy of Piepkorn’s little essay on historic vestments. They used to float around on cyberspace, but for some reason I can’t find one right now. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Rev. Greg Alms over at Incarnatus Est just posted about this NY Times article on the latest Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life survey. The survey is on the dramatic shifts that are taking place in the American religious scene, where upwards of 44% of people no longer are members of the church body […]