A Lament for the Lectionary

I love the historic lectionary. The rhythm of the readings, the Psalms and Introits, the use of traditional hymnody that speaks references it directly, it flows in a way that is beautiful, reverent and stirring. It stirs up the faith, just as the historic collects remind us as we prepare for Adventtide. That is why […]


I had an interesting conversation with one of my parishioners this past week.  I had a funeral, and as is typical I sang a couple hymns at the graveside for the committal (Lord, Let at Last Thine Angels Come, etc.).  My parishioner, who pretty much comes to church every week, commented afterwards, “Pastor, I know […]

"The Presence" by Berthold von Schenk

I am looking for a copy of this little book, preferably in digital format, but I’ll take what I can get. Does anyone have a copy of it they could send to me, lend to me, or copy for me? It is long out of prin -Lutheran Logomaniac