Lost Temple by Tom Harper My review rating: 3 of 5 stars Good escapist book. Nothing special. Set in Greece in like 1947. View all my reviews.


Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us by Seth Godin My review rating: 4 of 5 stars Thoughtful and well put together book on leadership. The style put me off initially, but it really grew on me. Lots of great things to think about, especially in connection with the pastoral office. How is a pastor […]


I recently finished a book by an LCMS layman named Frederic Durbin.  The book is called Dragonfly.  It’s a fantasy novel with some mild horror motifs.  I really enjoyed it.  It is dark, told through the eyes of a 9 year old girl, and have some great themes running through it that relate closely to […]

To Live with Christ, by Bo Giertz

This “little” (829 pages) book is fantastic! It is a daily devotion book based on the historic lectionary by one of the great lights of confessional Lutheranism in the 20th century, Bishop Bo Giertz. He is best known in our circles for his book, The Hammer of God, but he’s written many wonderful works, including […]

The Saccharine Jesus

I just finished reading Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. It’s been a long time since I read it, if ever. The premise is a world of mostly self-imposed censorship, because people simply no longer desired to read and to think. it’s also a commentary on the passive nature of television and other audio media. This […]