[I am reprinting this here from my blog on Christians and depression, I Trust When Dark My Road. -LL]
It’s been five years since my life took a strange sideways turn. I’ve written about it before (HERE, and HERE for example). Â It has made Good Friday a very strange day for me, personally.
This year I’m in a better place personally and emotionally than I usually am by this time in Lent. Â Sermons are done (I think). Â Family is coming. Â Everything is okay. Â Maybe that doesn’t sound like much, but sometimes, that’s all you have, and it is enough.
I pray for all my fellow sufferers that Christ’s death and resurrection would sustain you in the true faith to life everlasting. Â Your labor is not in vain. Â Your suffering will come to an end. Â There will be peace for you.
Grant peace, we pray, In mercy, Lord;
Peace in our time, oh send us.
For there is none on earth but You, None other to defend us.
You only, Lord, can fight for us. Â Amen. Â (LSB 778)