Writing bios for Lutheran Service Book: Hymnal Companion

I was engaged some time back by the Rev. Jon Vieker to write some biographies for the forthcoming Lutheran Service Book, Hymnal Companion.  The companion is a monumental task, and I am very happy to only be responsible for a small portion of it.  These are the ten men and one women whom I am writing biographies on.

Hermann H. M. Brueckner (1866-1942
Andreas Gryphius (1616-1664)
Heinrich Held (1620-1659)
Frederick W. Herzberger (1859-1930)
Balthasar Kindermann (1636-1706)
Paul E. Kretzmann (1883-1965)
August Lemke (1820-1913)
Anna M. Meyer (1867-1941)
Friedrich O. Reuter (1863-1924)
Oliver C. Rupprecht (1903-2000)
George A. T. Rygh (1860-1942)

It’s an interesting collection.  Mostly German, and largely American Lutheran (as is one of my areas of interest).  I really only knew about a few of them before taking on this project, so it has been/is/shall be an interesting exercise.  I’m partway through, and the deadline is January 2, 2009.

So do any of my gentle readers have any insights into these fine folks?


6 thoughts on “Writing bios for Lutheran Service Book: Hymnal Companion

  1. Rev. P.,
    I just did some reading on What is the World to me. Hymn sources seem to accredit the text to Pffeferkorn, while Bach cantata sources credit Kindermann with the text. What give?

  2. "August Lemke (wrote the tune "Milwaukee," used with Life Up Your Heads Ye Might Gates, served as or­gan­ist, choir di­rect­or, and teach­er at Trin­i­ty Lu­ther­an Church, Mil­wau­kee, Wis­con­sin, un­til 1851." You might want to contact the folks at Trinity in Milwaukee (https://www.trinitymilwaukee.org/); I bet they have more info.

  3. Hi, just scanning through this today, Apr. 21, 2011. Dr. Rupprecht is my grandpa. My mom is his oldest daughter. My parents took us to many of his presentations on the chorales and Lutheran hymnody.

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