The Historic Lectionary and Accordance, Libronix, etc.

I am a regular user of Accordance, from Oak Tree Software. It’s (imo) the premier bible and electronic book software for the Macintosh. One of the projects that I have going on right now, in an effort to focus more of my energy on the primary tasks of the pastor (preaching, administering the Sacraments, and teaching the Sacred Scriptures) is that I am working on utilizing more of the resources at my fingertips for bible study preparation, and especially for sermon preparation.

So my latest project with Accordance has been to develop workspaces for each Sunday of the Church Year. This way each year as I come back to this Sunday, I can quickly and easily build on all of the resources and study I have done in year(s) previous on the same text. I am also using a great program called Leitourgia, but that is for another post.

This project has gotten me thinking. Has anyone done this before? I know that Libronix is the much more common interface. Are there any resources for the historic lectionary, or even LSB in general, that have been put together for Libronix? The LSB daily lectionary, for example.

I think this is a huge resource that the computer savvy pastor can make excellent use of. I would be interested in your thoughts.


6 thoughts on “The Historic Lectionary and Accordance, Libronix, etc.

  1. Todd,
    This idea of a saved workspace for each lectionary year is a fascinating idea. I’ve never seen anyone have this approach. I would wonder if it would be a little redundant… so much of the time, it’d be the same tools that are open.
    Good luck with it.

  2. Well I think it would be annoying if you were using a different lectionary all the time. The benefit of the historic lectionary is that you are talking about 52-60 workspaces. I’ll post a picture of the workspace I have in mind.


  3. Todd, while it is not exactly a saved workspace, we have a simple way to create custom lectionaries from scratch of any type you like. Instead of saving it as a workspace you could have a different lectionary file for each Sunday or each year… really for anything you like.

    You should check on the Logos NewsGroup to see if anyone has already done this.

    Also, of specific interest for Lutherans… we are about to release the Lutheran Lectionary for Logos Bible Software as a freebie to all our customers that have a base package with the Lectionary Addin module. It should be ready to go very soon.

  4. I have a question. Can one of you scholars out there limn me on what “LHG Exegesis” is? Maybe it is something “off the wall” because I can’t find out anything about it with web searches and looking in JStor hasn’t popped up anything either.

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